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Welcome to the
Women's Village

The Women’s Village is a women’s only space, open to all women who have (or once had for our sisters who have had a hysterectomy), a physical womb.


It is an intentional gathering space for women to come together in the sacredness of sisterhood. It is a safe space where all of you is welcome, the wild and the wounded.


It is a place to reflect, honor and remember what it is to be a woman. A hub for education and empowerment of the divine feminine.


We come here to connect to the inherent wisdom and intuitive nature of our being and attune to the cyclical wisdom of our bodies. It is a nurturing and supportive sanctuary that fosters deep connection to our sisters and the earth.


Respect is our foundation


We gather together in honor of all the women who have come before us and all those who will come after us.  We remember the ancient wisdom of all womb carriers encoded in our DNA.


We are awakening, we are healing, we are coming together as one, in Unison.

The Moon Lodge is the heart of the Women's Village.  It is the collective womb of Unison.

It is here to support our sisters who are bleeding.  However, it is open to all women - actively cycling or not.

Whether you are in menopause, breastfeeding, pregnant, experiencing amennorhea, have had a hysterectomy, all womb carriers are welcome.


 "A beautiful, nurturing, safe haven for women/sisters.  I found respite, sisterhood, freedom and authentic love! "  


During my first ever moon time retreat in 2012, I had a vision come through about creating a modern day red tent.  For years I have been creating my own moon lodge space at home, carving out time to retreat and be in ceremony during my moon, but I had yet to create one on a larger scale.

In 2020, I held a red tent workshop at a festival in Southern Colorado, which then led to the inception of the Moon Lodge at Unison Fest for its first year September, 2021.

Finally, a vision made manifest and birthed into form....

The Moon Lodge was born from the desire to have a safe space for our bleeding sisters and women to retreat to during the festival to rest, nourish, dream, vision, be held by other sisters and just be.


Over the years, the Moon Lodge has evolved into the Women's Village.

Turns out that having these spaces at transformational consciousness festivals is not only needed, but it is necessary and serves as an anchor point for the entire festival.


Why Call it a Moon Lodge?

The term Moon Lodge comes from Native American traditions.  It was a special place designated for the women to gather when  they were bleeding. 

They were relieved of their daily duties and got to retreat in the company of their Sisters.

No men were allowed in the Moon Lodge. Just as women were not allowed in the Warrior Societies.

Time spent in the Moon Lodge was a time to rest, heal, nourish, dream, vision not only for themselves but for the tribe at large and to honor the connection with the earth.

Using the term Moon Lodge is a way to honor these ancient traditions of women honoring the sacredness of their blood & connection to all of life.

As well as to acknowledge the importance of having such spaces in our communities at large.


The Moon Lodge
at Unison Fest


SEPTEMBER 7-10, 2023

The Moon Lodge is currently held every year at Unison Fest, a four day transformational conscious festival filled with music, art, dance, performances, workshops, vendors, ecstatic dance, ceremony, moon lodge, men's lodge, yoga, connection to the land,

community and more!

Rumor has it that it's the best festival!

Enter code MOONLODGE to save 11%


" This is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen at a festival!  I feel so seen and I appreciate that this space has been activated here.  Please keep doing what you do.  Your contribution is SO valued.  A space like this should exist at every festival! "

The healing that takes place in the Moon Lodge is profound.  The energy is palpable. 

I've been moved to tears, had full body chills with a resounding, "this is why I do this." 


We are remembering the lost (but not forgotten) sacred ways of the feminine.

We are restoring the sacred temple spaces that honor the cycle that creates all of life.

We are honoring all of the peoples who have come before us,

walking in honor of these sacred ways.




Women's Wisdom

Workshop Tent


Organic Handmade Chocolates

Image by Drew Jemmett

Cycle Specific 

Herbal Tea



Blood Offering





River Access


Beauty Bar




Altars for 


Image by Marcus Wallis

Fresh & Seasonal


“I absolutely LOVE the way you and your team set up the women's area and ran the programs there. So well done!!”  -Signa O. Cheney

Women's Wisdom Tent Workshop Unison Fest 2022

Women's Village Unison Fest 2023

If you're interested in booking the Moon Lodge for your event or want to schedule a private consultation about how you can set one up on your own, contact me here

What Women Are Saying

"Your presence here is reassuring to our remembrance of our wild womb-ing.  Thank you for your time, effort and inspiration.  Your seeds of nurturance will be felt infinitely."

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